Cinnamon artwork

In this activity, you will map the migration of cinnamon across Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

Working alone or in a group, read the statements below as clues and determine the appropriate place each statement describes by referring to the article, Spice Migrations: Cinnamon . Type your answer in the fields.

Then using your answers as reference points, trace the history of cinnamon migration by dragging the numbered pin to the area of the map its statement best describes.

Cinnamon originated from here:

Cinnamon's first merchants came from here:

As early as 2000 BCE, cinnamon had been transported here:

Herodotus suggested in 430 BCE that cinnamon had been transported here:

Pliny the Elder suggested that around 100 CE cinnamon had been transported here:

Sixteenth-century explorers who discovered cinnamon came from this southern European kingdom:

The seat of this empire that had taken over the cinnamon trade in the 1600s is located here:

The seat of this empire that had taken over the cinnamon trade in the 1700s is located here:

By 1800, cinnamon grew here, outside of Southeast Asia, beyond its original source:

By 1800, cinnamon grew here, inside of Southeast Asia, beyond its original source: